SIZE A = length of the animal from tip of the nose to the root of the tail.
SIZE B = Height of the animal, when standing, from tip of the ears or top of the head (whichever is higher) to the floor
SIZE C = Height from the elbow joint to the ground.
SIZE D = Width at the widest point.
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Haptrans Pet Relocation Provide Pet transport from Canada to worldwide , pet boarding,Canada customs clear and local transfer
We open 7 days per week and 24 hours for emergency require
We local in Vancouver and Toronto and Montreal.
A healthy pet should be able to fly safely. Elderly or ill pets may be at risk due to the stress associated with travel. You should speak to your veterinarian if you have concerns about flying with your pet. Plan your trip to minimize stops along the way and to arrive during the coolest time of day in hot climates. Airlines may have some restrictions on flying with pets traveling under the plane in extreme weather conditions.
Breeds with flat or "short-nosed" facial structures (e.g., Pugs, Bulldogs) face elevated health risks during air transport due to inherent respiratory vulnerabilities.